The above left image is a forensic facial reconstruction from the Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. of genus ‘Paranthropus Robustus’, one of the Australopiths which was first discovered by Dr. Robert Broom in South Africa in 1938. P. Robustus lived during the subepochs of the early to middle Pleistocene period. Some distinctive features of this species are the larger cranial capacity than the earlier Australopithecus Africanus and is more similar to a modern brain. It had thicker facial buttressing structures and larger postcanine tooth size in comparison to A. Africanus, indicating that Robustus was not a herbivore but an omnivore.
My task here in this current project is to recreate P.Robustus into a bronze lifesize portrait bust adhering to the baroque principles emphasising expression, emotion and energy.
The middle image is the clay model prior to moulding and on the right is the finished bronze.