Crius Chrysomallus (Golden fleeced ram) to be fully fleeced and draped over a classical urn representing authority of Perseus over Medusa. Pegasus at the stage of correct muscle contraction/position and skeletal bone protrusion, prior to skin folds and wing attachments Head of Perseus,to stand full bodied by Pegasus Pegasus supported by classical Grecian urn and plinth with rams head and fleece to be draped over Pegasus’ preliminary wing attachments Armatures of Perseus’ legs in correct position prior to clay modelling Medusa shield gift from the Goddess Athena to Perseus to be depicted in high relief Medusa Shield Medusa Shield: Detail Medusa Shield: Detail Medusa Shield: Detail Medusa Shield: Detail Medusa Shield: Detail Medusa Shield: Detail Medusa Shield: Detail Medusa shield Medusa shield Medusa shield Medusa shield The unveiling date of the statue which is in association with the National Trust will be announced in due course.